Archive: PBS Evolution, Media Bias, Ant Feet, Comets, More

The week of CEH's 1st Anniversary, we were debugging and debunking evolutionary stories presented on public television.

New Book on Scopes Trial Exposes Racism

This is the first book documenting the fact that the Scopes Trial was, at its heart, about racism.

Bible and Science Exhibit Comes to Washington

The Museum of the Bible in Washington DC is opening a new exhibit in January called "Scripture and Science."

Evolving Marriage Is a Fruit of Darwinism

If everything evolves, then so do relationships. Consequences, though, must hit the wall of reality.

Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced

New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done.

Universities Scrub Names of Racist Leaders

The next step should be for the ACLU to acknowledge its racism.

More Big Problems with Human Evolution

Fossil discoveries keep "rewriting" or "overturning" accepted ideas about human evolution. Here are two more recent examples.

Darwinism Breeds Bigotry, Arrogance, and Hate

How to start a mud volcano: say something that hints at some disagreement with Darwinian evolution.

Dishonesty Undermines Trust in Big Science

Before they can tell the public what is true about the world, scientists had better get a handle on honesty. You can trust a scientist – to be fallible. Science is not entirely ‘out there’ in the world. Its findings are always mediated through fallible humans. And lately, there has been a flurry of concerns […]

Distorted Scopes Narrative Perpetuated

The media continues to inherit the spin.

Teachers Squeamish About Evolution

It may be the only game in town, but evolution-only education isn't turning biology professors into cheerleaders for Darwin.

Science Journalism Disseminates Propaganda

The current methods of science news reporting don't educate; they indoctrinate.

If You Can't Trust Scientists, You Can't Trust Science

Science may be "out there" in the world, but its discoveries are mediated by fallible scientists.

Is Bryan College Caving on Adam and Eve?

Professors resist clarification of college policy that says its creation statement of belief includes a literal Adam and Eve.
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