Archive: Mountains, Demons, Proteins, Mutations, Human Lab Rats

The following short articles were first published in June 2002.

Maxwell Demon Secret: Intelligent Design

An instance has been found of James Clerk Maxwell's speculation about overcoming entropy.

Geomagnetic Field Mirrors High-Energy Electrons Away from Earth

Another benefit of a global magnetic field has been found, but it cannot last forever.

Darwinists Try to Overcome Just-So Story Reputation

Try as they might, theorists cannot turn Darwinism into a mechanistic law of science.

Must Aging Presuppose Deterioration?

There's nothing in biology that prevents longer life – at least in theory.

No Escape from “In the Beginning”

The universe had a beginning. Cyclic universes don't work.

Leaky Mitochondria Keep Sea Otters Warm

Darwin-free research on sea otters might have benefits for humans.

Origin of Geomagnetism: Bumbling in the Dark Past

When did the Earth get its magnetic field? It's important because life depends on it. Watch MIT fumble and stumble over the question.

Why Magnetic Field Decay Matters

Earth's magnetic field is vital for life, but it is decaying. To keep it going billions of years, evolutionists gloss over facts.

Earth’s Magnetic Field Decaying at an Alarming Rate

The biosphere depends on earth's magnetic field, but it has been decaying rapidly for 1500 years.

Entropy in Space Seen at All Scales

Entropy at all scales: clearly seen. Creation of order: not so much.

Major Cosmic Questions Remain Unanswered

Some basic ideas about physics and astronomy remain so mysterious, and their explanations so flexible, they may lead some to question whether they should be called "hard sciences."
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