Weird Evolution Stories

Who needs facts when you can just imagine anything and Big Science will publish it?

Darwinism Rationalizes Bad Habits

You can't help yourself. You're a victim of selection.

Darwinism, an Excuse for Lazy Thinking

Just say it evolved because of selective pressure, and your work is done.

Slimy Evolution

The media repeat stupid stories about mucus evolution, but to thinking readers, it's snot funny.

Did Nice Dogs Evolve from Mean Wolves?

Yet another evolution story falters: dog domestication tale fails to support another tale: how wild apes became civilized humans.

Darwinists Are Contortionists

To keep their pet theory from being falsified, Darwinians must stretch, twist and bend it to fit unexpected observations.

How to Be a Meat-Head Though Smart

Answer: Become a Darwinist. It allows you to show off vocabulary and biology while making up silly stories.

Natural Selection: Where Is It?

Darwin's claim to fame is strangely missing when the critical eye reads scientific papers looking for it.

Godzilla Evolves, and Other Darwin Silliness

When evolution is your proverbial hammer, you can go crazy pounding everything that looks like a nail.

Next Evolutionary Icon: Peppered Snakes?

Sea snakes said to turn black due to 'industrial melanism'—a term from the old peppered moth story. Media go wild.

Evolutionists Undermine Their Own Truth Claims

Two evolutionists appeal to "evolutionary forces" to explain the rise of bad science.

SETI Advocates Try to Persuade Congress for Funds

In hopes of keeping funding flowing, the SETI Institute promised US congresspersons that scientists will find extraterrestrial life in our lifetime.

Evolutionists Don't Understand Their Own Theory

If evolutionists and reporters stuck to the essence of neo-Darwinism, many of their claims would never reach the press.
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