Archive: Peer Review, Amoebas, Self-Organization, Mars, Stomach Acid, Cholesterol, Junk DNA

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in late November 2001, restored from archives.

Archive: Tuatara, Eyes, Cells, Self-Organization, Astrobiology

More lost stories from the end of March 2002 are republished here. Topics: the tuatara, eyes, self-organization, cells, architecture.

Ribosome Self-Assembly Is Not Evolution

So many pieces have to be placed in the right order, chance is ridiculously out of luck.

More Wonders to Be Thankful For

Things going on in your body should put believers in chance to shame. Read and be awestruck.

Mammal Champs Strut Their (Unevolved) Stuff

Here's a showcase of very different mammals all deserving of the same thing: admiration. You don't do that by attributing them to evolution.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.
Delicate Arch, Utah

Sandstone Arches Get New Explanation

The national park signs may need updating.
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