Body Designs Not Often Considered

There's more going on under the skin and on the skin than we know.

What Science Doesn’t Know

For all the confident triumphalism scientists display, there are major things they do not grasp.

Mammals With Super Senses

These mammals are very different from each other except in how they put human technology to shame.

Brain Makes Automatic Statistical Inference

Your brain isn't a computer, but contains a powerful one.

Be Thankful for Skin

Human skin is the largest organ of the body, and is loaded with protections, sensors and other functions.

“Y” Your Inner Ear Hears So Well

A new paper about the inner ear shows an additional level of organization and architecture that increases sensitivity and frequency discrimination.

Time to Re-Mind the Brain

A radical rethink is needed to understand the brain, a neuroscientist complains. A radical rethink is needed to understand human exceptionalism, too.

Let Your Mind Marvel at Its Brain

Amazing processes go on in the physical brain that most of our minds do not even know about.

Masters of Physics in Nature

Plants and animals sometimes keep PhD physicists wondering how they do what they do.

Re-inventing Transportation by Watching Animals

Here are 3 ways science is advancing through the imitation of nature.

Body Wonders You Didn't Know You Had

We have some really advanced equipment running inside us.

Humans: More than Dust in the Cosmic Wind

Superb design in the human body counters the claim we are mere starstuff.

New Things to Learn About Your Body

These news items about the human body are likely to surprise and delight you with how well you are made.

Your Body: Design from Head to Toe

Every body part has its place and is well-designed for its function.
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