Archive: Jellyfish, Stem Cells, Quran, Bats, Homo, Titan, Spiders, More

Here are some of the stories we were reporting in January 2002, restored from archives. Some of the items here were of fundamental importance at the time.

On Gender Issues, Atheists Devour Their Own

The facts of biology force evolutionists to agree with the Bible . . . at least in one case.

How to Be a Sapiens, Not Just a Homo

Darwinism cheapens human life, making us pawns of impersonal, uncaring forces.

Archive: Neptune, Molecular Motors, Romance

These entries from May 2002, lost during a website upgrade, are reposted here for edification, amusement, or both.

Intricate Design Found in Sperm Cells

Research is proving that a supposed simple cell is far more complex than once thought

Flawed Research Underlies Gender Confusion

From two sexes to sixty genders in only a few decades. Are they inborn? New research reeks of speculation.

Darwinists Are Sexual Perverts

Rationalizing perversion is just as blameworthy as engaging in it.

Did God Really Create Us Male and Female?

A peer-reviewed study published in a leading scientific journal finds transgender transitioning causes far more harm than benefit.

How Could Sex Evolve?

It still baffles Darwinists after all these years. A new PNAS article reinforces the challenge of explaining the evolution of sex.

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Genes Determine Sex Differences

Thousands of differences in male/female brains are due to genes, not a sexist environment.

Junk DNA Concept Is Mostly Dead

Has the term “junk DNA” finally been buried for good? It's been decreasing, from 98.5 % originally to close to 0 percent now.

Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice

With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science.

Science Is Being Corrupted by Politics

The political divide in the culture has spilled over into science, ruining trust in objectivity.

Matched Design in Human Reproduction Defies Evolution

This excerpt from Henry Richter's book illustrates amazingly complex design in human reproduction.
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