Archive: Bluffing Darwinists, NASA missions, Failing Evolution, Honeybees, More

Here are some resurrected articles from the end of 2001.

Crying Evolution, Evolution, When There Is No Evolution

Here's how the Darwin Party keeps Darwinism alive with propaganda tactics.

Transgenders Face Lifetime of Regret

Boys are boys. Girls are girls. Drugs and surgery cannot overcome mental issues.

Why Sex Is Binary

The new Woke claim that “Human Sex is Not Binary” ignores a massive amount of scientific literature

Genetic Sex Runs Deep

Genetic sex is found to determine muscle communications with other body tissues.

Sexual Selection Comes Under Fire

From several fronts, new problems confront Darwin's other selection theory.

Gender Is a Fact, Not a Choice

With rare exceptions, there are males and there are females, and they are distinguishable by science.

Darwin Was Wrong on Sexual Selection

Even if you believe sexual selection is a valid theory, don't believe what Darwin said about it. He was 180° off.

Sexual Selection Fails to Explain Beauty

Looking for evidence of sexual selection in nature as an explanation for beauty has been an exercise in futility.

Males and Females Are Real. All Others Are Fake.

Science knows nothing of make-believe genders based on how people feel. Researchers only speak of males and females.

Scientists Affirm Gender Is Binary

Despite all the talk of gender fluidity and toxic masculinity, reality affirms what we all know.

Punching Darwin’s Lights Out

Story about human sexual dimorphism backfires on Darwin, ricochets onto transgenders.

‘Hominids’ Were Gender Binary

Political activists will have more trouble arguing for gender fluidity, now that binary sex roles go way back.

Slimy Evolution Reporting Continues

Darwin gets credit for more things than his theory deserves, which is very little to begin with.

Biological Fact: Men and Women Are Different

Today's trend of gender confusion flies in the face of science. Who is "anti-science" in this hotbed political issue?
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