Brain Waste Disposal System Discovered

It's not often that a new part of the brain is found. This one keeps our cerebrospinal fluid clean and disease-free.

Skull Duggery in Whale Evolution

—or Skull Dodgery: Evolutionists dodge a heady issue, thinking a skull will evolve a brain complete with new skills.

Human Evolution Story in Tatters

Another skull scrambles the paleoanthropology story. What is the reason for so many rewrites of human evolution?

Tweety Rex Found in China

It's not a joke. Evolutionists are actually trying to connect a mighty dinosaur with a delicate tweety bird.

Kabwe Skull Casts Doubt on Human Evolution

Another skull tosses evolutionary paleoanthropology into confusion with a radically-revised date. This is par for the course.

Fossils Do Not Say “We Evolved” – People Do

Scientists put words in the mouths of dead animals, as if they are dummies telling stories about their evolution.

Brain Secrets Seen Through a Glass Darkly

The brain drain, the importance of forgetting, and other secrets of the "supremely complex organ" come to light.

Humans: Better Designed and Capable than Darwinism Can Explain

Look at the equipment humans come with. Look at the things they can do. Is this the work of blind chance? Equipped for Rapid Repair Researchers unearth secret tunnels between the skull and the brain (National Institutes of Health). An expert in stroke recovery noticed something interesting. Experimenting with rats, Dr. Matthias Nahrendorf noticed that […]

Human Brain Size Varies Twofold

We're all human, but some of us have brains twice the size of others. And areas inside the brain can vary, too. What does this mean?

Neanderthal Racism Continues

The evidence shows that Neanderthals were fully human, having shared genetic information with us. Why, then, do Darwin Supremacists continue to treat them as "other" than human?

Everything Scientists Assumed About Human Evolution Needs a Major Rethink

In short, the paleoanthropology field is a confusing mess.

Yet Another Revolution in Human Evolution

A new paper claims the split between chimps and humans occurred in eastern Europe, not Africa as widely accepted for decades by scientists.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part Three

It's hard to know where to stop with examples of Darwinian nonsense. For evolutionists, it's like April Fool every day. These are just some of the recent examples.

Birds and Pterosaurs Flew Together

Does it make evolutionary sense to find birds flying with pterosaurs?

More Upsets in Human Origins Stories

When it comes to a consensus on how humans evolved, there's no "there" there.
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