Have Snakes Lost Their Legs?

Did scientists find a snake losing its legs, or did they find a new kind of animal?

Snake Evolves Two Heads

This is just the kind of thing Darwinists have been waiting for! Aren't two heads better than one?

Snake “Vestigial Legs” Debunked

So-called vestigial legs in snakes are actually functional organs. Jerry Bergman did the homework; Darwinians did not.

Snake Bites Darwin

The origin of snakes and snake venom has become more puzzling to believers in Darwinian evolution.

Dinosaur Era Fossils Fail to Support Evolution

You have to squint hard to see the image of Charles Darwin in these bones. It works better if you close your eyes.

Darwin Report Card, continued: How Useful Is Evolutionary Theory?

Darwinism is useful in one demonstrable way: it keeps thousands of biologists employed in the business of evidence-free speculation.

Make Like a Snake

Here are a few more examples illustrating why the imitation of nature is one of the hottest trends in science.

Darwinism as All-Purpose Fiction Plot

No scientific rigor needed. Just say "It evolved."

Platypus Evolution "Remains a Mystery"

Evolution spectacularly fails to explain one of the planet's most intriguing animals.

How the Dragon Got Its Beard

Scales are not feathers are not hair, but evolutionary tales get hairy sometimes.

Nature Inspires Hi-Tech Design

Scientists and engineers continue the gold rush to imitate nature's solutions to problems.

Intelligent Design Is Leading Biology's Golden Age

Look at a natural design. Seek to understand it. Seek to imitate it. Biology advances.

This Is Not Evolution

Evidence often comes with a Darwin label, but let the buyer beware.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.

Inspiring Designs in Life

When scientists look closely at living designs, they think, Wow! That's cool! I wonder if we could copy that?
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