Survival of the Nicest? Now They Tell Us.

Struggle for existence? No; love makes the world go round.

Darwinism Played a Central Role in Nazi Crimes

—A fact documented by a new study published by the leading medical journal The Lancet.

Social Darwinists Are Mentally Unbalanced

New survey shows Darwinism’s supporters are mentally unbalanced — a conclusion that many of us felt was true before this study was done.

Pernicious Amorality Infiltrates Modern Social Darwinism

A deadly doctrine lies at the heart of modern evolutionary social theory. The next Hitler will love this creed.

Big Science Dodging Its Own Racism

They have the worst record on race of any institutions, but they are blaming YOU. This is the strategy of projection.

The Futility of Evolutionary Game Theory

Evolutionists try to explain human associations by "evolutionary game theory," a form of natural selection. It leads to hopelessness.

Evolution is the Fuel Behind Racism

  A Brief History of Darwin-Inspired Racial Prejudice by Jerry Bergman, PhD The riots that have plagued the world during the last few weeks were, in my experience, the worst I have seen in my lifetime. Even those that occurred after Martin Luther King, Jr., was murdered were not as violent. I was born and […]

On the Origin of Lechery by Natural Selection

Women, are you listening? Darwinists justify unleashing unrestricted male passions on you with no responsibility.

Oppose the Created Order, Suffer the Consequences

Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked... nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.

Unapologetic Mass Murderer Motivated by Darwin Lives in Comfort in Prison, While Victim Trauma Continues

Stress-caused mental illnesses skyrocketed after a Darwin-inspired mass murderer went on a killing spree in 2011.

Book Review: How Darwinism Corrodes Morality

An important book by Dr Jerry Bergman documents the most important example ever of the dictum, "Ideas have consequences."

Germany Reconstructing Nazi Medical Atrocities

German scientists who studied euthanasia victims' brains "were very good researchers of international standing."

Christianity Could Help Scientists’ Moral Concerns

When all else fails, look to the Word of God.

Big Science Pops its Zits

If you think institutional science has a smooth complexion, look closer. From every angle, serious blemishes are coming to light.

Influential Evolutionist Fails to See His Own Contradictions

He trains philosophically-unsophisticated students with self-refuting ideas with the force of moral subjectivity.
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