Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination

Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views.

Mindless Artificial Intelligence Doesn’t Understand What It Says

Artificial intelligence is getting so good, it can fool most people, but it lacks what humans need for trust: integrity.

Whose News Is Fake News?

Somebody, somewhere, has to care about truth and be willing to follow evidence. A little introspection and humility is required.

Political Correctness Blinds Science to Common Sense

There's been a rapid rise in transgender cases lately, and researchers at an ivy-league college can't figure out why.

Darwinism Breeds Bigotry, Arrogance, and Hate

How to start a mud volcano: say something that hints at some disagreement with Darwinian evolution.

Scientists Are Just as Morally Fraught as Other People

Working in a lab and publishing in a peer-reviewed journal does not offer immunity from the moral or logical lapses.

Social Media Becomes the New Big Brother

Governments were to be feared before 1984, and still are, but these days giant corporations are watching you. Conservative and libertarian members of Congress were seriously disappointed to see the vote go forward on the FISA Act renewal in its current form (WND), without their amendment offering protections from surveillance on innocent citizens. The law […]

Church in the Twitter Age

Can the Bible speak to a culture enmeshed in Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram?

Secularization of America Accelerates

Should America become like Europe? Or should Europe reverse course and return to its Reformation roots?

Big Science in Crisis of Trust

A flurry of recent articles underscore the absolute necessity for integrity in science.

Scientism Invades Politics, Morality, Religion

What some consider science is really scientism, a worldview that thinks everything in human experience is reducible to scientific laws.
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