Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination

Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views.

The Futility of Evolutionary Game Theory

Evolutionists try to explain human associations by "evolutionary game theory," a form of natural selection. It leads to hopelessness.

Natural Selection Theory Makes Scientists Lazy

'Natural selection' is a vacuous concept that provides a convenient way out from doing the hard work of science.

Religion vs. Evolution: Which Explains Which?

Evolutionists have a running theme that evolving humans invented religion for various evolutionary reasons.

You Should Trust Scientists (To Be Fallible)

Public trust in scientists exceeds their trustworthiness, experts warn.

Can an Evolved Brain Choose Good and Evil?

If the brain evolved, wouldn't anything the mind does be determined by forces beyond one's control?

Psychology Struggling to Regain Scientific Image

In the wake of scandals and replication failures, psychiatry and social psychology are enduring scrutiny some practitioners call an "inquisition" or "bullying".

Survey Exposes Liberal Bias Among Psychologists

Everybody except liberals knows they are intolerant of conservatives, but now a new survey won't let them deny they have a real bias problem.

Why Scientists Need Christianity

The exposure of a decade-long career of fraud by a social psychologist two weeks ago sent the scientific community reeling. In the aftermath, another social psychologist claims that social psychology can heal itself with its own principles. Buried within her arguments, though, are Christian presuppositions.

Psych-Man Fraud Exposed

A popular social psychologist in the Netherlands has been exposed of committing “fraud on an astonishing scale,” forging data in dozens of scientific papers for nearly a decade. The exposè doesn’t just destroy his reputation. The fraud will cause “huge damage,” said Susan Fiske, a social psychologist at Princeton University,” because “His work is very central—or was.”
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