Darwinian Anthropology Is Inherently Elitist
November 10, 2023
A study on African hunter-gatherer singing habits borders on racism, elitism, and malpractice.
Social Scientists Ashamed but Still Ask for Trust
April 11, 2023
One of the largest ever studies of predictions by social scientists shows an embarrassing failure rate.
Scientific Uncertainty Is Cosmic in Scope
November 30, 2022
Different researchers can use the same data to reach opposite conclusions. This contributes to a crisis of confidence in science.
Big Science Intensifying Indoctrination
September 1, 2022
Big Science has long excused indoctrination, but now they are going all in for "interventions" targeting non-consensus views.
Big Science Still Pushing Abortion
August 15, 2022
With lies and propaganda, academics and journals push abortion without a hint of trying to be objective.
Nudge Theory Falsified
July 29, 2022
The effectiveness of a popular theory for manipulating human behavior is effectively zero.
Can Science Analyze Wisdom?
June 2, 2022
A sociologist finds that wise people age better. But first, she has to know what wisdom is.
More Evidence Social Scientists Are Philosophical Dullards
May 17, 2022
Is it any surprise that the evolutionary theory of humanity corrupts clear thinking?
Darwinism Undermines Freedom and Sense
May 5, 2022
If all behavior is based on evolution, where is personal freedom? Evolutionists seem unaware they shoot themselves in the foot.
Social Sciences Flunk Science Test
April 13, 2022
A historian of science confirms: the so-called "social sciences" deserve the criticism they've been getting for decades.
Elitism Makes Evolutionary Psychologists Neurotic
April 21, 2020
'The public is out to destroy rationality, and we must save the planet from stupidity!' Elitists need to look in the mirror.
Psychology’s Fake Superiority Over Religion
February 16, 2020
Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools. Yet they never learn.
You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)
January 28, 2020
Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?
Science Confirms Biblical Human Nature
August 4, 2019
Science reveals that people are just like what the Bible says they are: image-bearers of their Creator, yet fallen into sin.