How to Comb a Jelly

To make a comb jelly attractive to a Darwinian, all you have to do is reduce the number of miracles required for its appearance.

Spinning Solar System Objects to Keep Them Old

If you remove the obligation to think in billions of years, many phenomena in the solar system make more sense.

Ceres Is Young

Dawn Mission scientists were surprised to see this asteroid (dwarf planet Ceres) with a water cycle and evidence of rapid geological changes.

Scientific Claims Are Reversible

How much confidence can the public put in scientific claims today, given that some long-lived dogmas have been reversed?

Scientists Can Agree on Things that Aren’t So

Whenever you hear "all scientists agree" or "we now know," it's no guarantee a finding won't be disputed years later. In the following examples, CEH focuses not so much on the content of the disputed subjects as the implications for philosophy of science.

Star Chemistry Constrains Habitable Zone

The chemistry of a parent star can have drastic effects on the habitability of an earth-like planet.
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