Green Greenland Was Good

Climatologists worry about Greenland melting, but plants thrived there before.

Do Science for Good

Scientists should get away from philosophizing and help their fellow human beings.

You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)

Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?

Stay Healthy; Get Dirty

Studies of two people groups confirm that exposure to nature helps prime the immune system – among other benefits.

Secular Astronomy Fails, I: Solar System

From planets to stars to galaxies, objects don't fit the expectations of materialists who work as astronomers.

Beavers Clean the Soil

Without beaver dams, loss of nutrients from soil would increase, and pollutants from upstream erosion would afflict waterways.

Tiny Life Benefits the Whole World

Some very small organisms can produce global effects, such as the tiny crustaceans that stir the oceans every night. What would the oceans be like without life? If minerals, gases and nutrients had to mix by diffusion, the process would be very slow. Wind and currents could help somewhat. Now, Houghton et al., publishing in […]

Antibiotic Resistance Didn’t Evolve; It Was Borrowed

A key 'proof' of evolution in action falls as scientists discover that pathogens don't invent resistance genes; they share them.

Reality Rushes Evolutionists

"Earlier than thought" is a common phrase encountered when evolutionists test their speculations against the real world.

When Data Doesn't Fit the Consensus

Like evolutionists, climate scientists have ways of oversimplifying or neglecting inputs that could challenge their paradigm.

Plant Brains Solve Problems

Without a physical brain or nervous system, plants know how to get about in place.

The Silent Underground Network

Under your feet in the woods is a vast communication network where information technology keeps the ecosystem functioning.

Soil, Sustainability, and the Blue Revolution

Life-sustaining resources are right beneath our feet, says a Penn State hydrologist.

Soil Provides Library of Antibiotic Resistance

Genetic information that confers antibiotic resistance is already present in the environmental resistome.
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