Archive: Fungi, Dinosaurs, Octopus, Appendix, JPL, More

A broad variety of stories have been published at CEH for 23 years. Look back at to August 2001.

Did Humans Get Language by Mistake?

The origin of language still baffles evolutionists. The newest theory: it was a really lucky accident!

You Animal You: How Darwin Hardwired Humans

You are what you are because you were what you were. Now you understand. Do what comes naturally, evolutionists say.

Is Speech Far Older than Once Thought?

Dr Jerry Bergman assesses evolutionary attempts to answer "the hardest problem in science" – the origin of speech.

Kazooki Theater: Darwinism Tolerates Kooky Speculation

No, an orangutan playing a kazoo cannot explain the origin of human language. Why do such ideas get favorable media press?

Your Soul Comes With Automated Brain Software

When you think about the following news about the brain's processing powers, ask yourself, "who" is operating it?

Evolutionists Are Speechless About the Origin of Language

It's perhaps the most obvious distinctive trait of humans. Where did language come from, with all its diversity?

Why Monkeys Don't Talk

It's not that they don't have the vocal apparatus. They just don't have the mind for it.

Let Your Mind Marvel at Its Brain

Amazing processes go on in the physical brain that most of our minds do not even know about.

Scientists Can Be Inept Philosophers

An undergrad philosopher could make mince meat out of some scientists' claims.

Humans' Groovy Language Brain

More features are discovered that set humans apart from apes.

Monkey Raspberries Created Speech

What was this evolutionist thinking when he proposed that human language evolved out of the lip smacking and buzzing sounds made by monkeys?
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