Better Science Without Darwin

Scientists wouldn't rush to imitate nature if it was poorly designed.

Animals Display Mastery of Physics

From tiny to large, animals know how to use the laws of physics to their advantage.

Nature Inspires Intelligent Design

Scientists are inspired by nature's designs, why? Maybe it's because they are designed.

The Best Science Imitates Nature

Biomimetics has everything science desires: inspiration, motivation, understanding, and application.

The Best Science Follows the Designs in Nature

The most fruitful kind of research seeks to understand nature's workings, and when appropriate, imitate it.

Bugs Ride on the Wings of the Wind

Small animals can take advantage of wind to go long distances in remarkable ways.

Nature Knows Best

Recent news articles show how engineers and inventors are helping mankind by imitating what plants, cells and animals do every day. A new kind of vaccine based on spider silk (Science Daily). Because spider silk is tough and yet biodegradable, it can be used as a delivery capsule for vaccines that might otherwise be resisted […]

Guessing Game: Name the Organism that Inspired This Discovery

Here's a quick brain teaser. Can you guess which biological organism inspired the scientific advance? Answers and sources provided.

Strange and Wonderful Animals Explored

Look at what scientists are learning about some common animals, and others not so common.

Big Science Loves ID – Sometimes

Despite institutional rejection of intelligent design, researchers are attracted to ID when it can make money, make them famous, or advance understanding of nature.

Spiders Play Silk Harps

Spider webs are so finely-tuned, they are like musical instruments that the creatures can strum or listen to.

Weekend Biomimetics Parade

Here's a quick list of exciting news about how imitation of nature's designs is leading to wonderful inventions.

Invisible Subs and Other Tricks Inspired by Life

Working scientists seem less focused on evolution and more on design these days, figuring out how animals and plants do amazing things.

Creatures Worth Knowing and Imitating

Studies of animals and cells reveal designs in nature we can appreciate and imitate.

Scientific Progress Needs Design, Not Darwin

Numerous papers advancing scientific knowledge rely on design principles, not evolutionary notions.
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