Cosmology Could Be Fundamentally Flawed

Citizens should know about mistaken predictions in science.

Will Dark Matter Theorists See the Light?

Some cosmologists are seriously considering dark matter theory to be a blunder.

Cosmic Disturbances Shake Astronomer Confidence

When theory and observation don't match, there is a loss in consumer confidence in science.

Antimatter Problem Still Defies Natural Explanation

The latest test of matter and antimatter shows that they both respond identically to gravity.

Galactic Structure Gives Cosmologists Lumps

How many times have we been told that "new physics" are needed to explain the universe?

You Can Trust Science! (to Reverse Itself)

Hardly a week goes by without a press release announcing that a common scientific belief is wrong. What does this imply?

May the Weak Force Be With You

We couldn't live without the weak force, the least understood and underappreciated natural force.

Cosmology Still in the Dark

With so many huge gaps in materialist cosmology, a revolution may be brewing, as seen in the kinds of questions being asked.

Evidence-Based Cosmology

From what we observe, we can draw inferences without the need to posit occult phenomena.

Archive Classic: State of the Cosmos 2005: Alan Guth Explains Inflation

As Alan Guth rises to prominence this year for his inflation proposal, it might be useful for readers to see what he said about it in 2005.

Galaxy Evolution Problem: A Case Study in Criticizing Paradigms

"When you have a clear contradiction like this, you ought to focus on it," say scientists who found problems with the leading theory of galaxy evolution.

Trouble in Cosmologyland

Underneath the veneer of certainty portrayed by TV documentaries about the universe are deep questions and controversies. Some of these briefly appear on publicly-available news stories, only to be covered by new coats of certainty. Are the new veneers fixing the problems or, instead, whitewashing serious weaknesses in current cosmological understanding? Here are some quick looks under the veneer.
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