Animists in Modern Dress: Origin-of-Lifers

The spirits of the molecules give rise to animated complex systems, goes the new false religion.

How Darwinism Is Made to Look Like Science

A century-long strategy has allowed Darwinians to parasitize science, overcome its natural defenses, and establish storytelling as legitimate research .

Darwin and the Origin of Lie

Not a typo: Darwin's religion of naturalism advanced the Origin of Lie: the belief that life is just something that happens naturally.

Miller Experiment Still Sells Building Blocks of Lie

After nearly 68 years, the Miller Experiment still has propaganda value. Update: just add glass chips, get more lies.

Origin-of-Life Theories Still “Rubbish Thinking” Like Darwin Said

Here are some of the latest installments on the origin of life. Dr Bergman reviews the new theories proposed.

Still Hunting for Life in the Solar System After All of These Years

The only place where life exists in our solar system is in the imagination of evolutionists.

Clutter Created You

OOL without designing intelligence is a fOOL's errand. Watch smart chemists act like intellectually-fOOLfilled atheists.

Another RNA World ‘Missing Link’ Experiment Misses the Point

Magic droplets overcome one hurdle with help from humans, but so what?

Darwinians See Creative Power in Natural Terror

In the Darwinian mindset, natural disasters are the seedbeds of creativity and progress.

Secularists Battle Over Which Life Theory Is More Wrong

Origin-of-life camps don't recognize that RNA-World theories and hydrothermal-vent theories suffer from the same basic problem.

Minimal Cell Challenges Naturalism

Origin of life theorists face a much higher "Mount Improbable" seeing a minimal cell with 473 genes.

Astrobiology Has No Bio

When you take the "bio" out of astrobiology, what do you get? Is it still a science?

Primordial Soup as a Wizard's Potion

Certain concepts in materialistic origin of life seem to have more to do with witchcraft than reputable science.
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