Darwinism Dumbs Down Science

Darwinese short circuits the requirement for rigor in scientific explanations.

Evolution Evolves at Random

Imagine a science always shifting as if in Brownian motion, never getting anywhere. That's Darwinism.

Bird Ballet Revealed

Illustra's latest short film displays a wonder of nature: the coordinated formation flights of thousands of birds.

Tiny Fly Beats Robots

Fruit flies dart, circle, zig and zag rapidly. Researchers gain some insight into how they do it so efficiently.

Design of Life Update: Birds

Illustra Media’s Design of Life documentaries only began to explore the marvels of life. In this entry, we look at more wonders among birds. Eggs come in a variety of sizes and shapes, as shown in a rapid-fire series in the Illustra film. In an “Egg Mythbuster” piece, explains why some eggs are pear-shaped. […]

Evolution Deniers of the Non-Human Kind

Here are some fun animals and plants worth knowing about, not only for what they do, but for the pained expression they give Darwinians.

Built-in Brain Designs that Amaze Scientists

Here's a quick run-down of brain news that should make us stand in awe of the 3-pound mass inside our skulls.

Beat the Competition with Natural Design

Want to engineer something right the first time and beat the competition? Find out how life does it.

News from the Birds for People

We still have a lot to learn from birds. They're really smart and talented for their size.

News for the Birds

Our human readers are allowed to peek in on these headlines for and about our feathered intellectuals.

Biomimetics Is All About Design Inspiration

Scientists wouldn't rush to design things after nature's examples if they weren't well designed.

Boost Your Health Outdoors

Health experts keep finding more reasons for people of all ages to get active outside in nature.

Amazing Bird Tricks

“Angry Birds” are perhaps the best known species among electronic bird-watchers these days, but we should never forget that real birds are amazing creatures. Incredibly diverse (think ostrich to hummingbird to penguin), they continue to fascinate scientists and laymen. Here are some recent science stories about our feathered friends.
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