Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More

What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see!

Rampant Fraud in Science Grows

The epidemic of fraud in science hits an all-time high.

A Punk Eek Theory for Climate?

Something is rotten in the state of science. The ghost of Stephen Jay Gould is lurking in climatology.

What a Croc: Punk-Eek Invoked for Crocodile Evolution

Evolution is fast except when it is slow. It explains all, including why crocodiles are largely unchanged for 200 mya.

Redefining Evolution to Make it More Palatable

Evolutionists use a bait-and-switch definition to gain acceptance of Darwinism, but their goal is the elimination of design.

Neutral Theory of Evolution Debunked

Dr Jerry Bergman elaborates on a proof in Michael Behe's new book that the neutral theory of evolution fails.

Does the Stuff Happens Law Converge?

Similar features show up in evolutionary-unrelated groups. What does this mean?

Jesus Gets Reluctant Acceptance in Science

When it comes to scientific respectability, materialists have no prior claim.

Brain Size Myth Won't Die

Evolutionists continue to push the idea that bigger brains offer better fitness, despite repeated empirical problems.

Evolutionary Theory Evolves

Evolutionists squirm when one of their own points out major flaws in Darwin's theory.

Science Can Be Wrong for Decades, Centuries

The history of science shows some wrong theories being accepted by leading scholars for long periods of time. Ptolemaic astronomy, unquestioned for over 1200 years, is a prime example. Not all examples are old, though. In modern times as well, scientists are finding that theories unquestioned for decades, even centuries, were wrong. That being so, what confidence can we have that today’s scientific beliefs will stand the test of time for the next decade or century? A recent spate of science articles shows some long-held theories being questioned – others being tossed overboard.

NOMA Still Isn’t Working

Science journals and websites continue to act as if religion is a subcategory of the science department.  If Stephen Jay Gould thought that NOMA was a good idea to keep peace between science and religion (see 11/05/2006), nobody paid any attention.  Scientism has taken over the world. Teen religion:  In “Teens Maintain Their Religion,” Medical […]
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