Archive: Ape Archaeology, Cat Psychology, Old DNA, and a Bridge

From May 2002, these articles are still informative and sometimes funny.

Monkey Business with Tools, Bones, and Brains

Darwinians can be so intent on evolving men from ape ancestors, they can make monkeys of themselves.

What Did Neanderthals Think About?

The Neanderthal mind explored: research shows that Neanderthals were our physical and mental brothers and sisters.

Horses Make Stone Tools

Animals can make stone tools not to use them as tools, but for fooling paleoanthropologists.

Neanderthal Man: Paleoanthropology Evolving from Racism to Brotherhood

Racism everywhere: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens? A 2021 study shows they were just people groups within Homo sapiens.

Early Man Stories Becoming More Convoluted

Trusting the Darwinians about human evolution requires willing suspension of disbelief.

More Upsets in Human Evolution

If you like scientific truths that become untrue every year or month, join the paleoanthropology guild.

More Confusion in Human Ev-Illusion

They can no longer say "everything you know is wrong" when nothing they thought they knew was right in the first place.

Upsets Surprise Evolutionists

These announcements show that fossils have ways of contradicting evolutionary expectations.

The Human Evolution Textbook Has to be Rewritten Yet Again!

This post by Dr. Jerry Bergman exposes the shoddy interpretations drawn from controversial flakes of rock that are turned by reporters into world-shattering news.

So Much for Stone Tools

There goes the flaked stone tool as a measure of hominin intelligence, now that monkeys can unintentionally make them, too.

Protein Residue Found on Hominin Stone Tools

Would you expect pieces of meat to survive on flakes of rock in the desert for 250,000 years?

More Hobbit Bones Found

Indonesian fossils extend evolutionary timeline but create new problems.

Give Early Man More Credit

From cave to Stone Age, ancient people deserve more respect for their intelligence and capabilities than evolutionary anthropologists give them.

Secular Anthropology Fails Consistently

By assuming long ages and by underestimating human creativity and mobility, evolutionary anthropologists keep getting surprised by evidence.
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