What a Croc: Punk-Eek Invoked for Crocodile Evolution

Evolution is fast except when it is slow. It explains all, including why crocodiles are largely unchanged for 200 mya.

Scientists, Reporters Still Nuts Over Darwin

No other historical scientist gets as much praise and worship as Charlie D. Why is that?

Darwin Given Credit for Non-Darwinian Observations

Darwinian evolution is one of the most curious scientific theories ever. Even un-Darwinian data can be twisted to support it.

How the Stuff Happens Law Can Be Scientific

The most vacuous scientific explanation of all meets the standard requirements of science.

Natural Selection Is Not Predictable

Every once in awhile, biologists argue over whether evolution is predictable. The latest flap over stick insects sticks up for predictability, but flops.

Darwinians Gloat Over Political Power

With media behind them, they can spout their talking points without controversy, while weak politicians only appease their critics.

Imploding Ideas Unnoticed by Their Advocates

Fewer people would say foolish things if they noticed how ideas can refute themselves.

Evolution Is Not a Designer

From Richard Dawkins to new prizewinning engineers, scientists get natural selection all wrong.

Proving Evolution by Devolution

A sadly misinformed press release tries to illustrate Darwinian evolution by breaking things.

Misuse of Term 'Natural Selection' Continues

If humans guide a process, that is not natural selection. Darwin's idea had nothing to do with intention or morality.

That Doesn't Look Like Evolution

Here are more findings, categorized under "evolution," that might turn heads and make one say, "Huh?"

Do You Know How Lucky You Are to Live on Earth?

The factors that make life possible came together so beautifully, even materialists have trouble knowing why we're here.

Lower Animals: "Lower" Does Not Mean "Simpler"

Here are a few "lower" animals worth knowing about. They reveal astonishing design throughout the living world, but little support for evolution.

Man Blamed for Living Fossil Extinction Threat

The chambered nautilus is on the decline, after 500 million years of survival from the world's greatest extinction events. Guess who's to blame.

Tilt-A-World: Another Constraint on Habitability

Did you ever ride a Tilt-A-Whirl, one of those cheap carnival rides that makes you dizzy and sick? Our planet would be like that if its inclination were out of control. Without tilt stability, a new study reveals, we wouldn't be sick, we'd be dead, or never alive in the first place. It's not enough to be in the Habitable Zone. Would-be inhabited planets need to avoid a new problem, called “tilt erosion.”
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