Darwin and Evolution What Is This Babbler Trying to Say? July 21, 2021 Some Darwinians think the Sulawesi Babbler is saying "I evolved!" How do they know they are not mistranslating its babblings? CONTINUE READING
Early Man Cave Art Dates Contradict Human Nature January 16, 2021 After painting a pig on a cave wall, what did these artists do for five times all of recorded history? CONTINUE READING
Early Man More Hobbit Bones Found June 11, 2016 Indonesian fossils extend evolutionary timeline but create new problems. CONTINUE READING
Early Man Indonesian Cave Paintings Shake Up Art History October 14, 2014 Asians were not supposed to be so culturally talented 40,000 years ago, but their cave art shows the same finesse seen in contemporary European caves. CONTINUE READING