Archive: Brittlestars, Extinction, Feathers, Adultery, Cells, Censorship

These posts from August 2001 show that some topics discussed 23 years ago are still in the news.

Evolving Everything Except Sense

When they have a magic wand, evolutionists see everything as a rabbit and every environment as a hat.

Evolution Teacher Promotes Gentler Way to Propagandize Students

Flummoxed by stable numbers of students not accepting Darwin, a teacher tries a gentler nudge.

A Look at College Indoctrination into Darwinism

A glimpse at how Darwinian professors intimidate, demean and punish students for their religious beliefs, exemplified by a rabid evolutionary professor at Ohio State.

Reality Beats PC

The real world fights back against misconceptions about the pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of political correctness.

Church in the Twitter Age

Can the Bible speak to a culture enmeshed in Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram?

Jordanian Teacher Indoctrinates Muslims in Darwinism

An observant Muslim teacher in a hijab tries to help her biology students become "free thinkers" – how? By teaching them Darwinian evolution.

How to Overcome Student Objections to Evolution

Biology teachers face increasing difficulty from students coming into class with bad feelings about evolution (11/30/2005, 08/30/2005).  Many pro-evolution teachers will be attracted to methods that have a demonstrable track record of relieving tensions and facilitating the process of getting students to accept Darwin’s theory.  David Sloan Wilson (Binghamton U, NY) has just the thing.  […]
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