Crying Evolution, Evolution, When There Is No Evolution

Here's how the Darwin Party keeps Darwinism alive with propaganda tactics.

Archive: Language Evolution, Tooth Evolution, Flood Myths, More

These articles from June 2002 still hold interest for CEH readers. What issues from 22 years ago remain the same today?

Gummy Rex Did Lip Service

Jurassic Park was wrong, says a new rethink about dinosaur lips. T. rex probably didn't bare its teeth most of the time.

Dippy Darwin Doodles

Don't take evolutionary stories so seriously. They're intended to be funny.

Telling the Tooth about Brains

Has new research about teeth helped evolutionists understand why humans evolved large brains?

A Change of Climate in Human Evolution Storytelling

New findings continue to complicate theories of human evolution. Maybe they can sound trendy by dragging climate change into it.

Animals Display Mastery of Physics

From tiny to large, animals know how to use the laws of physics to their advantage.

“Settled Science” Unsettled: The Case of Fluoridated Water

Another case of scientific consensus has been undermined. How many were put at risk by a false idea?

Tusk, Tusk: Evolutionists Surprised by Tusk Evolution

The evidence is against Darwinian evolution of tusks, but Harvard biologists are excited by tusk evolution anyway.

Thoughts about Tooth Enamel

The minerals that make up teeth provide another example of phenomenally detailed design.

Whoops; Tooth Date Is at Least 750% Off

It's amazing how wrong evolutionists can be without batting an eye. Errors this large should be a firing offense.

Any Evolution for Platypus Yet?

It's been a long time since scientists have tried to Darwinize the platypus. Any progress?

Bronze Age Global Trade Identified in Teeth

Bronze Age people were smarter than scientists thought. They were eating Chinese food 3,700 years ago.

Evolutionists Gloss Over Implications of Dinosaur Tissue Remains

Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago, so these delicate remains are at least that old. Move along; nothing to see here.

If Your Doctor Recommends Removing Tonsils, Read This

New research adds to the conclusion that tonsils are not vestigial, and serve important functions. Unwarranted removal causes health problems.
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