Media Archives: Oxygen, Early Mature Universe, Cell Proofreading, More January 11, 2025 This set of entries from January 2002 contains major announcements that we have cited ever since. CONTINUE READING
Media Archive: Evolutionists, Peacocks, Extinctions, Brain, Terrorism, Whales, More September 21, 2024 What were evolutionary scientists claiming 23 years ago? Read these CEH archives and see! CONTINUE READING
Media Archive: CEH Reports the Week of 9/11 September 14, 2024 Reporting continued from California after Washington was hit, but the terror attack caused much food for thought. CONTINUE READING
Education Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists March 11, 2024 When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology What Can Christians Do With Halloween? October 31, 2020 Is it a glorification of evil? or a chance to learn about courage in the face of darkness? CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Are Terrorists Radicalized by Their Brains? June 23, 2019 When multiple factors are at work, sorting them out is difficult, and inferences about causality can be misleading. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Beware the Darwinian Moralists January 20, 2018 Darwinians want to take over the fields of ethics and psychology. Can they be trusted with such power? CONTINUE READING
Health Unapologetic Mass Murderer Motivated by Darwin Lives in Comfort in Prison, While Victim Trauma Continues July 19, 2017 Stress-caused mental illnesses skyrocketed after a Darwin-inspired mass murderer went on a killing spree in 2011. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Leftist Takeover of Science Continues July 2, 2017 Nothing in science requires a scientific institution to take the liberal position on everything. Quite the opposite: science relies on traditional values. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Big Science's Distorted View of 9/11 September 11, 2016 America's leading science journal is out of touch with most Americans when it comes to remembering what happened on 9/11/01. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Does ISIS Evolve? June 20, 2016 This may be the winning candidate for worst Darwinian just-so story of the decade. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science The Science Axis of Evil December 8, 2015 By assuming misbehavior evolves, some scientists become agents of evil, and Big Science institutions become their enablers. CONTINUE READING
Mammals Elephants, Mammoths, and Terror: The Ivory Trade Crisis August 28, 2015 Terror organizations are slaughtering elephants at alarming rates to sell the ivory in Asia and buy weapons. What to do? CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology ISIS Atrocities: Does Outrage Evolve? March 8, 2015 What will it take to turn outrage into action, if genocide won't? Destruction of antiquities? What would Darwin do? CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Do Nature's Editors Want Another French Revolution? January 15, 2015 By glorifying the French Revolution without mentioning its atrocities, Nature's editors give a terrible message about terrorism. CONTINUE READING