Out On a Limb: The Evolution of Olympians

Pole vaulters, gymnasts, and hurdlers got their start by accident in precocious fish, say evolutionists.

Did Fish Evolve Hands?

Wishful thinking from a one-track mind leads evolutionists to draw more imagination than demonstration in the latest tetrapod-ancestor fossil.

Previous Tetrapod Ancestors Fell Flat, Too

  Fame and Fortune (cont.): What constitutes a sister taxon to tetrapods? By Margaret Helder, PhD (continued from yesterday) Ever since Prof. Edward Drinker Cope identified a lobe finned fish called Eusthenopteron from Miguasha in Quebec, as a promising ancestor of four footed animals, the question arose as to what features in a fish would […]

Latest Tetrapod Ancestor Can’t Stand Up

In a two-part entry, Dr Margaret Helder examines the latest candidate fossil for ancestor to all land vertebrates.

Did Evolving Fish Cry “Land Ho!” and Walk onto Land?

A new study does little to solve how sea creatures could have evolved into land creatures.

Snake “Vestigial Legs” Debunked

So-called vestigial legs in snakes are actually functional organs. Jerry Bergman did the homework; Darwinians did not.

The Evolution of the Darwin Fish

The Darwin Fish scientific method: Draw a fish. Draw legs on it to mock Christians who use it as a symbol. Then furiously hunt for evidence that a fish with feet existed.

Convergence Crams Uncooperative Fossils into Darwinism

When unrelated fossils have similar traits, evolutionary paleontologists twist, shove and stuff them into Darwin's theory with an all-purpose tool called convergence.

Surprising Fossils Upset Evolutionary Expectations

Here are some notable fossil finds that tell stories, not necessarily the Darwin kind.

The Myth of Evolution from Water to Land and Back to Water

Whale evolution remains one of the greatest mysteries for Darwinists, despite their claims about a fossil sequence.

Darwin Follies and Fallacies, Part One

You can't say something "evolved to" do something useful. That's a profound misunderstanding of Darwinism. Evolutionists keep saying it anyway.

Empty Promises from Darwin Storytellers

Mainstream science media cast a false illusion of Darwinism's success by making promises in the headlines that the articles don't deliver.

Darwin Fish Lacks Tetrapod Legs

You can see a transition between a fish and a land creature in fossils and genes only if you have a vivid imagination.

The Farce Awakens: More Just-So Stories for the Darwin Crowd

More examples of the art of Just-So Storytelling from evolutionary biologists and psychologists. Pick your winner!

"Convergent Evolution" Widespread at All Scales in Ocean

A study of marine tetrapods that "evolved" for ocean life shows "convergent evolution" rampant at all scales over "hundreds of millions of years."
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