How Big Bang Cosmology Might Die

  The Cosmological Constant Problem: Is this the end of big bang cosmology?

Hawking’s Final Theorem Does Not Produce a Viable Theory of Cosmic Origins

It illustrates the problem of being blinded by your conclusion, then attempting to build a case to support it.

Macroevolutionary Theory Evaporates

Evolutionists boisterously advertise their theory as a fact. Looking under the hood, though, one finds hot air and broken promises.

Do Cosmologists See Clearly with Chickenwire?

They talk glibly about observing objects billions of light-years away, but their empiricism is tainted by assumptions.

2020 Ends with No Dark Matter

Cosmologists end another year without finding dark phlogiston. What will it take to cure them of their pet myth?

Selectionism: An Empty Idea

If anything could be due to any selection pressure up, down or sideways, then nothing might be due to selective pressure.

Cosmology Shrieks in the Dark

Modern cosmologists spend more and more money looking for dark matter. So far it's all trick and no treat.

Theory of Evolution Is Evolving

After gushing over Darwin, New Scientist says, "Evolution is evolving: 13 ways we must rethink the theory of nature.”

Extinctions: A Playground for Darwin Storytellers

The fossils show that many species are gone from our planet. But explaining how they went extinct depends on one's worldview beliefs.

Calling the Extinction Game

The Mexico Asteroids pull ahead! But the India Deccans are not down for the count.

What Science Doesn’t Know

For all the confident triumphalism scientists display, there are major things they do not grasp.

Evolutionary Models Are Unreliable

Evolutionists find that models and assumptions in which they placed their trust are unreliable and unscientific.

Astronomers Lie About Dark Matter

It's as indefensible as believers in ghosts lying about observational evidence for them.

Scientific Discoveries Can Cast Doubt on Long-Held Beliefs

You have to look beneath the surface veneer of bluffing in science news to see how the sausage is made before it gets packaged to the press.

Cordova on Virtual Mars Hill: Defense of Design and Creation (Audio)

One of our contributing authors had an opportunity to answer hard questions about intelligent design, creationism, and the Bible in an internet chatroom.
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