Another Method to Heat Enceladus Falls Short

How do you power geysers emitting more heat than Yellowstone on a little moon for billions of years?
Cassini at Saturn

SaturNews and TitaNews

New findings are running rings around planetary theories of old age, particularly in the Saturn system.

You Can Trust Scientists (to Be Fallible)

With theory overturns like these, one gets to wonder about the privileged status of scientists in our culture.

Titan Ethane Still Missing, and Other Planetary Puzzles

We update the problem of Titan's missing ethane and other challenges to billions of years.

Are Saturn's Moons Younger than the Dinosaurs?

Stunning admissions show that secular astronomers can't keep Saturn's moons billions of years old.

Pluto Is Young

The New Horizons science team is stunned by surface features on Pluto and its large moon Charon that cannot be billions of years old.

Moon Still Has Hot Core

Japanese scientists have determined that a soft, hot core remains in the center of the moon, contrary to expectations.

Enceladus Geysers Still Unexplained

The number of geysers has topped a hundred on Saturn's overactive moon. How could they be sustained for billions of years?

Bimbo Eruptions in the Solar System

Planetary origin theories come across as popular and charismatic, till some little moon pops off and says, "Yoo-hoo! Remember me?"
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