Archive: Language Evolution, Tooth Evolution, Flood Myths, More

These articles from June 2002 still hold interest for CEH readers. What issues from 22 years ago remain the same today?

Telling the Tooth about Brains

Has new research about teeth helped evolutionists understand why humans evolved large brains?

Animals Display Mastery of Physics

From tiny to large, animals know how to use the laws of physics to their advantage.

Thoughts about Tooth Enamel

The minerals that make up teeth provide another example of phenomenally detailed design.

Neanderthal Man: Paleoanthropology Evolving from Racism to Brotherhood

Racism everywhere: Neanderthals, Denisovans, and Homo sapiens? A 2021 study shows they were just people groups within Homo sapiens.

Scientists Set Maximum Lifetime for Ancient DNA

Any DNA found older than this upper limit will cause huge problems for the evolutionary dating scheme.

Tooth Complexity Bites Darwin

New microscopic techniques are making it harder to be a Darwinian dentist.

Tooth Evolution Confusion Vindicates Creation Dentist

The leading expert in fossil teeth admits that tooth evolution still eludes Darwinists.

Yet Another Revolution in Human Evolution

A new paper claims the split between chimps and humans occurred in eastern Europe, not Africa as widely accepted for decades by scientists.

Rethinking Fossils

Every time a new fossil turns up, a theory quakes. New evidence can subject a theory to the falsification test.

Human Body Curiosities

Things you didn't know about your ambulatory vessel, and things you may have wondered about.

The Darwin Fail Comedy Show

Darwinian evolution is supposed to innovate new things, not remove them or conserve them. Here are the latest examples of "Darwin Fail" embarrassments.

Bird Non-Evolution from Dinosaurs

Losing traits won't make a dinosaur fly, and other conundrums in the presumed dinosaur-to-bird evolutionary story.

Weekend Biomimetics Parade

Here's a quick list of exciting news about how imitation of nature's designs is leading to wonderful inventions.

Your Supernatural Teeth

Aspects of human teeth appear over-designed for their function.
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