Big Science Has Lost Its Way

Ruled by leftist academicians and globalists, scientific institutions have betrayed the public.

Op-Ed: Geneticist Asks Americans to Choose Sides

Here is reproduced a call to action by Dr John Sanford, Cornell geneticist and leading creation scientist. Feel free to share.

Leftist Scientism Attacks Manhood

Totalitarian thinking must be resisted in all its forms. Big Science has been targeting masculinity and is ratcheting up the attack.

Transgenderism vs Science

Scientists routinely speak of people as male or female. They only change the habit when political pressure makes them cave.

Big Science Fights Christian Values

Secular scientists have more than just Darwinism to offer as an alternative to creation. They have political clout to fight traditional values with anti-Christian political and educational positions.

Big Science Pushes Gay Marriage

Is it the business of science to convert people to support "gay marriage"? Look what the AAAS just published.

Judge Jones Is Back: 2005 Anti-ID, 2014 Anti-Marriage

The judge who ruled against intelligent design in the Dover case has just overturned Pennsylvania's defense of marriage law.
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