Evolutionists Exacerbate the Cambrian Explosion

Two secular papers this month will not be welcome by Darwinians. They remove the biggest excuses.

Has a Pterosaur Ancestor Been Found?

Looking more closely at a fossil found 115 years ago, evolutionists visualize it running, sprouting wings and flying into the sky.

Twisting Abrupt Appearance into Anti-Creationism

Of all the nerve; Chinese scientist twists Darwin's dilemma into an argument against creationism.

Evolutionists Connect Dinosaur Dots with Puny Fossil

Leaping lizards! Evolutionists make extravagant case for ancestor of dinosaur and birds based on widely distant, unique fossils.

Previous Tetrapod Ancestors Fell Flat, Too

  Fame and Fortune (cont.): What constitutes a sister taxon to tetrapods? By Margaret Helder, PhD (continued from yesterday) Ever since Prof. Edward Drinker Cope identified a lobe finned fish called Eusthenopteron from Miguasha in Quebec, as a promising ancestor of four footed animals, the question arose as to what features in a fish would […]

Oldest Scorpion Stings Darwin

Storytellers caught in the act: making up an evolutionary tale when the fossil evidence does not support it.

Have Snakes Lost Their Legs?

Did scientists find a snake losing its legs, or did they find a new kind of animal?

Did Evolving Fish Cry “Land Ho!” and Walk onto Land?

A new study does little to solve how sea creatures could have evolved into land creatures.

Evolution vs Science

If evolution were subject to falsification, it would have been abandoned 160 years ago. The facts keep attacking Darwinism.

Otter Not Call This a Walking Whale

A skeleton of an extinct creature was found on the coast of Peru. Evolutionists are all calling it a walking whale.

How Could Plants Evolve? Answer: They Evolved

Darwinism has replaced the need for demonstration in science with the convenience of assertion. When you read papers and articles that offer to explain how something evolved, what you often find are statements that they just evolved. Let’s see some examples. 3D Body Evolution: Adding a New Dimension to Colonize the Land (Current Biology). The […]

Are These Really Transitional Fossils?

To get to the truth, you often have to tune out the Darwin cheerleaders and just examine the data. Transitional Turtle Science reporters like to bring fossils to the imagination with colorful artwork. The artist’s conception of Eorhynchochelys, a fossil found in China, shows it looking somewhat like a sea turtle without a hard shell. […]

Archaeopteryx: The Rock Star of Dino-Birds?

Dr Jerry Bergman examines evidence that Archaeopteryx was transitional between reptiles and birds.

Darwin Fish Lacks Tetrapod Legs

You can see a transition between a fish and a land creature in fossils and genes only if you have a vivid imagination.

"Convergent Evolution" Widespread at All Scales in Ocean

A study of marine tetrapods that "evolved" for ocean life shows "convergent evolution" rampant at all scales over "hundreds of millions of years."
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