Weekend Climate Reader

Research on climate does not always match political hype.

The Climate of Science and v.v.

The bluster of those speaking for science does not always match their objectivity.

Radiocarbon Calibration Is Stretchy

The latest calibration curve for radiocarbon dating is raising eyebrows. Will it upset what is "known" about the past?

Dating Method Assumptions Can Be Way Off

Poking holes in long-held assumptions can make you very unpopular.

Underwater Forest Discovered: How Old?

Sixty feet down in Gulf waters off the coast of Alabama, stumps of an old cypress forest have appeared.  How can they be 52,000 years old when the wood still smells like cypress? The discovery was reported by Live Science.  It includes a five-minute video tour of the area which the discoverers are keeping secret […]

Was Charlemagne Protected from a Cosmic Disaster? A Carbon-14 Mystery

Tree ring data from the 8th century hint that a cosmic catastrophe was averted on the "privileged planet."
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