Darwinism as an All-Purpose Story Plot

Observations are just props. The play is, “The Evolution of Whatever” or “How Whatever Evolved.” Now playing in science media near you. As a play, Darwinism has two subplots: natural selection and sexual selection. With a little creative screenwriting, any observation in nature can be fit into either or both subplots, provided the perhapsimaybecouldness index […]
Mark Armitage

Mark Armitage Wins Legal Victory

The microscopist fired for his publication of Darwin-embarrassing dinosaur soft tissue has won a historic settlement against Cal State University.

Dino Extinction Story Is a Fable, Paleontologist Says

What they tell you on TV and in biology class about birds outlasting the dinosaurs has paltry little evidence.

Jurassic Ark: Mesozoic Fossils that Challenge Evolution

Here are recent discoveries of extinct terrestrial and marine reptiles and animals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous.

Carbon-14 Found in Dinosaur Bone

Seek and ye shall find: creationists boldly go where no evolutionists have gone before.

Horned Dinosaurs Had Better Teeth than Mammals

Triceratops and its buddies carried around fine sets of self-sharpening steak knives (to eat plants).

Dinosaurs Wore Scales, Birds Wore Feathers

Interesting new fossils of dinosaurs and birds cause some rethinking, calling into question whether previous thinking was thought out well.
Mark Armitage

Nature Reports Armitage Discrimination Case

The leading scientific journal has reported Mark Armitage's lawsuit against California State University for firing him as a creationist.

Extinct Reptiles Quickly Spread Over the Globe

On every continent, dinosaurs and other extinct reptiles thrived. Here are some recent amazing finds.

News About Your Favorite Dinosaurs

T. Rex, Triceratops and other stars of the age of dinosaurs have made news lately. Here are some recent dinosaur findings.
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