Anti-Trump Science Media Begins

On day one of Trump's presidency, the screams from Big Science began.

All Science Is Political Science

Unless independently wealthy, scientists work at the behest of government funding agencies.

Big Science Is a Subsidiary of Socialists and Global Leftists

When 95% of staff university staff are leftists, what do you expect of their research?

Big Science Has Lost Its Way

Ruled by leftist academicians and globalists, scientific institutions have betrayed the public.

It All Starts With Creation

An editorial after the November 8, 2022 election.

Big Science Is Failing Scientists

"Scientific" institutions are little more than powerful bureacracies enriching themselves and keeping researchers in line.

Climate Lords: Millions Must Suffer for the Common Good

We're seeing the return of a political view with long, dark roots: pragmatism requires populations to lose their rights.

Big Science Goes All in for Abortion

Big Science as a special interest group favors abortion, but biological science favors life.

Big Science Has Sold Its Soul

Stop kidding yourself. Big Science is a willing accomplice of the Democrat Party and the global elitists.

Journals Dismayed at Taliban Treatment of Scientists

Journal editors seem surprised at events in Afghanistan but avoid blaming those responsible for the disaster.

Science Capitulates to Leftism

Finding any science journal or science reporter who takes a conservative position is hopeless now.

Was the Coronavirus Intelligently Designed?

A major controversy is arising in scientific communities about which is the correct origin story for SARS-CoV-2.

Christians Are Not Lab Rats

Social scientists who try to put Christians in their test tubes have the roles completely reversed.

Big Science Tells Biden What to Do

The UK journal Nature keeps interfering in US science policy, forgetting that elected representatives are of, for, and by the people.

Big Science Shocked At Its Own Cluelessness

Major journal blames the public for how out of touch Big Science finds itself.
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