Tweety Rex Found in China

It's not a joke. Evolutionists are actually trying to connect a mighty dinosaur with a delicate tweety bird.

Baby Arctic Dinosaurs Challenge Narrative

Something is terribly wrong with a report that baby dinosaurs hatched and lived in frigid Arctic tundra for millions of years.

Mass Burial of Tyrannosaurs Misinterpreted

The secular scientists say that scattered bones of five tyrannosaurs that died together proves that they were "gregarious."

Kid dinosaur was misidentified as a new species

Oops: Tissue confirms Nanotyrannus was not a new species, but merely a juvenile T. rex.

T. rex in the News

Children's favorite monster was a ballerina with functional arms, according to new announcements.

Why Short Dinosaur Arms?

Evolutionists have a new problem with short dinosaur arms, now that an unrelated species has them.

Media Go Nuts Over Alleged Tyrannosaur Missing Link

From a few bone fragments and lots of imagination, reporters lit the fireworks and marching bands to spin stories for Darwin.

Dinosaur Variety was Extreme

Here are news stories about dinosaurs, from dwarfs to giants that lived in all kinds of habitats.

Giant Reptiles Roamed the Earth, Water, and Sky

Record-setting dinosaurs have been announced this month.

Dinosaur Extinction Story Becomes More Chancy

Why did dinosaurs die but birds and butterflies survive? The latest idea involves sheer dumb luck.

Rescuing Dinosaur Soft Tissue from the Ravages of Time

The reaction of scientists to irrefutable evidence for soft tissue in dinosaur bone sounds all too human: ignore, rant, rationalize; repeat.

Incredible Creatures that Support Evolution?

Paleontologists and biologists continue to uncover animals past and present that exhibit amazing diversity. Some of them are so weird and unexpected, they are almost unbelievable. Usually, the news media are quick to tally up points for Darwin by explaining to lay people how they shed light on evolution. But in the “discovery” stage of […]
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