Beware of Globalist Psychologists

Hiding behind his scientist mask, a psychologist pictures a global utopia without considering the downside.

Leftist Takeover of Big Science Continues

We challenge you to find any science story that praises conservatives for anything. Big Science would rather praise communist China.

PBS Unmasks Darwinian Eugenics

Dr Jerry Bergman reviews the new PBS documentary on one of the evils of Darwinism, "The Eugenics Crusade."

Humans: Uniquely Endowed, Unnaturally Evil

How could such 'fearfully and wonderfully made' beings be capable of unspeakable atrocities?

Big Science Has Corrupted Its Mission

If the leading journal Nature is any example, Big Science has unmasked itself as a left-leaning, political, ideological movement.

Communist Explanation for Societal Collapse Offered by Science Site

"Scientists" say society is doomed, according to a "research study," but the explanation is right out of the Marx playbook.
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