Habitability: Just Add Water: A Lot of It

Desert planets are likely unlivable, even if they have water. They need oceans of H2O.

More Evidence Venus is Volcanically Active

Without plate tectonics, Venus should be dead, but lava has apparently been moving.

Astrobiology as a Drug

More extreme doses are required to keep the public addicted to their false hopes.

Reckless Claims Pollute Science

If scientists are serious about the lack of public trust, let them clean house at the universities.

How to Keep the Solar System Old: Struggle and Hope

Keeping the consensus age of the solar system is vital to evolution, but observations keep getting in the way.

Venus Was Never Habitable

Venus has bad news and bad news: it was never earthlike, and models to determine its habitability are unreliable.

Planetary Scientists Are Myth-Directed

They imagine life on every planet. But it is illogical to build a case on a sample size of one.

Water on the Planetary Science Brain

Hydrocephaly is a physical brain ailment, but hydrobioscopy is a philosophical brain malady.

Smelly Gas on Venus Was Never Alive

A brief flap about possible life on the solar system's most inhospitable planet showcases the gullibility of materialists.

Extraordinary Claim: Life on Venus?

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, scientists like to say. One smelly molecule is not enough to claim life.

Imagination Running Rampant in Science

Science reporters and scientists have lost all respect for evidence. They spin imaginative tales with reckless abandon.

Venus Is Erupting

If new indirect observations are correct, Venus is an active planet today with huge volcanoes.

Space Aliens Still AWOL

Aliens should be everywhere, but the heavens remain eerily silent. The faith goes on.

Astrobiology Still Has No Biology

Number of worlds beyond Earth where life has been discovered: zero. Number of optimistic articles about life in outer space: hundreds per year.

Our Solar System Appears Odd to Astronomers *

Our solar system is an oddball, conclude astronomers who looked at hundreds of planetary systems around other stars. *Audio version available.
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