Have You Thanked God for Bacteria Today?

More research documents that bacteria are essential for good health.

Body Was Created for Healing Itself

New discoveries point out automatic mechanisms for repair and health. Could disease result from failure of these processes?

Ethical Solutions to Health Problems

Here are examples of good research projects that help people without crossing ethical boundaries.

Junk DNA Goes the Way of the Vestigial Organs Myth

Yet another study finds that “Junk DNA” has a critical role in mammals.

SARS-CoV-2 Virus Dies in Seconds Under UV-C

New research finds that seconds of exposure to 254nm ultraviolet light inactivates the coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Are Giant Viruses Alive?

Another new form of life discovered: the world gets more complicated.

Why Did God Make Mosquitoes?

Did the Creator have a purpose for mosquitoes? Things have changed since the beginning.

Has COVID-19 Been Handcuffed?

A grad student and a large American team finds a molecule that puts SARS-CoV-2 into a straitjacket.

Plagues Can Arise Quickly Without Evolution

Smallpox and mosquitos illustrate how diseases can arise quickly and spread through human populations.

Archive Classic: Neo-Darwinism Falsified in the Lab

This article from Odober 19, 2004 should be remembered because of its importance. Evolutionists ignored it.

Keep Darwinism Out of Pandemic Response

Two Darwinians inject "survival of the fittest" into the current crisis. So if the virus kills a patient, is it the fittest?

Viruses in Context

A microbiologist explains the extreme abundances of viruses and the many good things they do for us.

Viruses: A Scourge or Gift to Mankind?

In a perfect world, they would be gifts to help life, not afflict it. And most of the time, they fulfill beneficial roles.

We’re All Gonna Die!

The coronavirus is not the only global pandemic with the potential to capture everyone in its grip.

Evolutionists Use Design Filter When it Suits Them

How does know that the coronavirus did not come from outer space? Look at this confident headline on No, the coronavirus didn’t come from outer space. We promise. The article examines a claim from panspermia advocate Chandra Wickramasinghe, co-author with Sir Fred Hoyle of Evolution from Space (1984). The Indian astronomer has never […]
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