Animists in Modern Dress: Origin-of-Lifers

The spirits of the molecules give rise to animated complex systems, goes the new false religion.

Goofy OOL to Make Fools Drool

OOL (origin of life) material is shoveled out like Halloween candy to gullible kids, unaware they are being given poison.

Cell Repair Requirement Demolishes Origin-of-Life Speculation

A biology professor who came out of a Darwinian communist country explodes origin-of-life speculation with real world facts about genetic repair mechanisms.

Evolutionary Storytelling Evolves: the Case of Origin of Life

 The Latest Episode in Evolving Origin-of-Life Stories by Dr Jerry Bergman The origin-of-life story is evolving. Before the middle 1600s most people believed that many forms of life originated by spontaneous generation from either inanimate matter, or once-living but now dead matter. Aristotle even believed that animals he considered “simple”, such as worms, fleas, bees, […]

Why Astronomers Hammer Planets

Secular planetary scientists have a skeleton key that unlocks any planetary mystery: the BFH.

Barbiturates in Darwin's Warm Little Pond

Are barbituates the missing links to the origin of life?

Left-Handed Life: Is the Chirality Problem Near Solution?

Cells use only left-handed amino acids and right-handed sugars. A new hypothesis involving the weak nuclear force tries to address this asymmetry.

OOL for Landlubbers

No part of the universal evolutionary scenario gets more overhauls than the origin of life. Some say it began in the sea, some on the land. Some say it began at the bottom of the sea; others say that is the worst place for life to get going. The latest idea favors freshwater hot springs on land.
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