A Manufactured New Sin: Speciesism

A new thought crime takes direct aim at Genesis and human exceptionalism. Policies to punish this crime could end civilization as we know it.

Brain Thoughts

Here are recent findings about brains that are big and small, squishy and tough, but all amazing.

Woodpeckers Have Multiple Protections Against Brain Injury

Any one of these adaptations would challenge Darwinian evolution, but all of them together in head-banging bird?

The Birds that Didn’t Evolve

Birds live and birds die, but they have a hard time following Darwin's dictum to evolve or perish.

Inspiring Life Tricks

These tricks are enough to make an inventor run to the patent office.

How to Do Biology Without Evolution

Everything in biology can make perfect sense without the darkness of Darwinism. Take a look.

The Early Hummingbird Gets the Evolutionary Nectar

A three-inch fossil bird is said to be the earliest nectar-feeder, meaning pollination by birds is older and more complex than thought.

Three More Ways to Benefit from Nature's Designs

Three completely different biological mechanisms, at different scales of size, studied by different universities: all agree nature's designs are wonderful, but difficult to imitate.

Engineers Tip Hat to Nature

It’s conventional in blogging to give an HT (hat tip) to a friend who makes you aware of a cool item. Engineers are giving hat tips to plants and animals as they seek for amazing new products that do wonderful things, just like the ones in nature.

Amazing Bird Tricks

“Angry Birds” are perhaps the best known species among electronic bird-watchers these days, but we should never forget that real birds are amazing creatures. Incredibly diverse (think ostrich to hummingbird to penguin), they continue to fascinate scientists and laymen. Here are some recent science stories about our feathered friends.
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