Philosophy of Science Deep Time Requires Biased Explanations September 19, 2024 In two recent cases, belief in deep time shuts the door to possible solutions to puzzling observations. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Evolutionary Psychology Refutes Itself July 11, 2024 Why intelligent PhD psychologists cannot see this implicates Darwinism as a logic-destroying mind virus. CONTINUE READING
Politics and Ethics Darwinian Materialism Is Destroying Science January 24, 2024 The rejection of Biblical morality has consequences in due time. CONTINUE READING
Mind and Brain Archive: Material Girls (and Boys) in a Material World Are Not Happy Campers September 9, 2023 This article was published twenty years ago on Sept 7, 2003. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Darwinism, a Worldview for Bigots March 15, 2023 Within Darwinism, you don't have to debate Darwin skeptics. All you have to do is mudsling and call names. CONTINUE READING
Education How to Do a Survey and Get Wrong Results December 28, 2022 New survey claims nationality and household income are more influential than religion in rejecting evolution. CONTINUE READING
Education HeadStart: New Online Tool for Science Students February 22, 2022 A new website from the Creation Science Association of Alberta provides resources for the inquiring student. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Will Decolonization Destroy Science? January 15, 2022 A complex issue could have positive and negative effects. One of the negatives could destroy Western science. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Science and Scientism Are Two Different Things December 15, 2021 A Scientist Condemns Scientism, or why many scientists wrongly confuse science with scientism. CONTINUE READING
Education Cancel Culture in Science March 22, 2021 Should a college cancel a popular course for teaching both sides? This is how evolutionists silence the opposition. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Why Religion Is a Meaningless Category December 13, 2020 How can two ideologies with polar opposite doctrines and consequences be labeled with the same word? CONTINUE READING
Fossils Twisting Abrupt Appearance into Anti-Creationism November 14, 2020 Of all the nerve; Chinese scientist twists Darwin's dilemma into an argument against creationism. CONTINUE READING
Bible and Theology Canaanites Were Genetically Distinct May 29, 2020 A new study finds that the the Canaanites before the Conquest were a distinct people, as the Bible says. CONTINUE READING
Genetics Vestigial “Pseudogenes” Reconsidered March 5, 2020 So-called "pseudogenes" are not so pseudo after all. Another Darwinian false lead delayed research for decades. CONTINUE READING
Philosophy of Science Not All Critical Thinking Is Equal March 1, 2020 Educators believe in teaching critical thinking skills except for subjects they don't want to critique. CONTINUE READING