Archive: Titan’s Young Atmosphere, More

These articles from January 2002 still hold interest for us all.
Pluto (color-enhanced) from New Horizons, Sept 24, 2015 release

Pluto Volcano Must Be Young

A cryo-supervolcano on Pluto cannot be as old as the planet. What made it erupt relatively recently?

Landslides on Pluto Happened Quickly

If Pluto is really 4.6 billion years old, something happened almost instantaneously out there some time ago. In planetary science, where experts are accustomed to thinking everything is billions of years old, sudden unique events present problems. Almost everything should have settled down by now into a routine. One can certainly argue for exceptions, where […]

Radiocarbon Assumptions Questioned

Every dating method involves assumptions, because historical sciences are not repeatable like laboratory experiments.

Saturn’s Rings Not Just Young, but “Very Young”

Cassini scientists now have reduced the rings' age by an order of magnitude, as if they formed practically "yesterday."

Pluto Rivals Earth in Geological Complexity

Call it what you will, Pluto is a planet of surprises. Its active geology is second only to Earth's, say two planetary scientists.

Young Pluto Stuns Scientists with Astonishing Maps

New color maps score high on the Wow Factor. How can this lonely dwarf planet still be active? Its moon Charon looks young, too.
False-color image of Pluto from New Horizons, July 24, 2015

What’s Pluto Been Dune? Making Young Sand Dunes

Sand dunes were surprising enough on Titan, but et tu, Pluto? and young, recent dunes? Scientists couldn't believe their eyes.

Planetary Youth Continues After Cassini

The data gathering phase is over, but the data mining phase will continue for years. This entry also shares some news about other solar system objects showing youthfulness.
Cassini at Saturn

Cassini Gets Higher Look at Saturn's Youth

Now entering its final dramatic high orbits, the Cassini spacecraft is finding unexpected things for an assumed old planet.

Dawn of a Young Ceres

The largest asteroid has a problem: she's too young to get a date.

Titan Ethane Still Missing, and Other Planetary Puzzles

We update the problem of Titan's missing ethane and other challenges to billions of years.

First Pluto Papers Published

Planetary scientists have published their first official findings about the 9th planet (or dwarf planet), Pluto.

Surprising Youth in the Solar System

Four solar system objects in the news look young, not billions of years old.

New Pluto Images Even More Perplexing

Pluto has terrain like no other world, leaving scientists perplexed; Enceladus' activity is also inexplicable for "geologic time".
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