Mistaken Identity Embarrasses Evolutionists

Anyone can make a mistake identifying a fossil, but Darwinism sometimes leads scientists to see what they want to see.

Major Rethink of Magma Dogma

How fast does it take to fill a big magma chamber? Millions of years? No. Just a few months, actually.

Does Evolution Wait for Mountains?

Here is the latest association fallacy between geology and biology. Mainstream science lets it pass without criticism.

Detrital Zircons Can Give False Geological Ages

Zircons are a gold standard for dating. They can yield ages that are statistically significant, but geologically meaningless.

Moon Origin Story Collapses

In a one-two punch, discoveries undermine the accepted story of the moon's origin and its subsequent history.

Rearranging Deck Chairs on Sinking Planet Theories

Supernovas come in handy as theory rescue devices.

Geology Theories Are Not Set in Stone

To be a geologist, you have to have a big imagination and always be ready to have your favorite theory overturned.

Origin-of-Life Speculation Goes Off the Rails

Astrobiologists and their accomplices in the media are finding life everywhere where it isn't or couldn't be. Time to call in the science rangers.

Dinosaurs and the Battle of Killers

An impact drove the dinosaurs extinct; or was it volcanoes?

Terrible Mistake about Diamond Dates

Geologists fess up to wrong conclusion about the "world's oldest diamonds."

Lunar Upsets Challenge Paradigms

Forty years after the last moonwalkers came home, new discoveries about the moon are calling into question what scientists know about our celestial partner. But is it legitimate for scientists to invoke mystery forces when a favored theory faces falsifying evidence?
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