Understanding Creationists (and Evolutionists)

A historian tells science teachers that "To Teach Evolution, You Have to Understand Creationists." Should that advice apply both ways?

Secular Scientists Excuse Profanity

If everything evolves, then profanity evolves, and it's no big deal, even if it warms the atmosphere.

Evolution of Flight: A Story Looking for Evidence

An evolutionary dogma is that land dinosaurs evolved into flying birds. When the claims are acid-washed with critical analysis, what evidence remains?

Are Scientists Capable of Stupidity?

Scientists are only people, and most people do or say dumb things sometimes. You can decide how to classify these "scientific" ideas.

Two Studies May Indicate Problems for Vast Ages

Two articles in secular science literature point to possible upsets in long-age assumptions for the earth and mankind.

Make Like a Dog, Owl, or Beetle: How Biomimetics Will Improve Our Lives

The greatest breakthroughs in health and engineering may be as near as the back yard: 13 more stimulating stories from biomimetics.

New Volley Cast into the Grand Canyon Age Wars

Age estimates for the Grand Canyon by secular geologists differ between 100,000 years to 70 million years. Who are you going to believe?

Adult Stem Cell Breakthroughs Continue

Adult stem cells continue to show promise as more about these pluripotent cells comes to light.

Humans Got Big Brains By Exercise

Someone didn't think this one through.

Flaky Cosmic Notion Gets Good Press

Does the universe grow like a giant brain? If anyone but a scientist said that, it would be in the cartoons.

Proteins Conduct Electricity

A remarkable finding at the single-molecule level shows a protein can conduct a large amount of electricity.

More Falsified Darwinian Expectations

Scientists continue finding the real world to be opposite evolutionary expectations. Here are some recent examples.

Big Mean Bird Was Vegan

Diatryma, a giant flightless bird often portrayed as a wicked carnivore, may have gently dined on plants.

Gratitude Is Good for Health

For Thanksgiving Day in America, we should realize that gratitude is good for everyone – provided they know what it means.

Venus Flytrap Still Mystifies, Inspires

The Venus flytrap remains one of the most intriguing plants in the world. What makes it snap shut in a tenth of a second? Can we imitate its motion without muscles, wires or batteries?
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