Does Physics Drive Evolution?

Some recent evolutionary papers appear to make physical laws not just constraints on natural selection, but guiding hands that build optimal designs.

Global Flood OK if Proposed by Evolutionists

Another attempt to explain the Cambrian explosion proposes a global flood that tapped the capacity of simple animals to evolve new body plans suddenly.

How Birds Evolved by Incorrigible Storytelling

An article by a free-lance science writer about dinosaurs evolving into birds takes the cake for speculative just-so storytelling, but it got published and republished anyway.

Evolution Conspiracy: Oxygen Photosynthesis Began Earlier Than Thought

Evolutionists are putting the rise of oxygen 700 million years earlier than thought, requiring the origin of photosynthesis that much earlier, too.

New 'Missing Link' Claim Imagines Human Face on a Fish

The Darwin-drenched phrase "missing link" popped up again, this time in a story that claims humans got their faces from a fish.

Junk Science Gets Good Press if It Supports Darwinism

The headlines for some scientific news stories might leave philosophers of science wagging their heads. Few, though, are the reporters willing to call something really dumb, or at least questionable—especially if it appears to support evolution.

Evolutionists View Poison as Elixir of Life

Hydrogen cyanide is one of the most reactive and toxic molecules we know, but astrobiologists view it with almost alchemical qualities for the origin of life.

Mars Panspermia a Sign of Desperation

A second article proposes life began on Mars, prompting some observers to point out the failures of naturalistic origin-of-life theories.

Darwin Fumbles

154 years after Darwin’s Origin of Species, evolutionists say they still do not understand the origin of species. In addition, they've lost most of whatever data they had.

Snowball Earth: Manufacturing a Narrative

The press and TV treat presumed scenarios like a "snowball Earth" as historic facts. A look at how the sausage is made, however, shows little empirical meat and mostly filler in a process characterized by tweaking, picking, and constant debate.

You Are Not a Martian

Every once in awhile, someone "suggests" that life began on Mars, not Earth. Here it comes again from someone who knows better.

Psychotherapy Has a Shrink

For better or worse, the practice of psychotherapy is shrinking, reports say.

Observable Chemistry Does Not Logically Apply to the Origin of Life

Origin-of-life researchers assume that intelligently-designed experiments in the lab can inform them about the emergence of life without design – in short, that design proves non-design.

Survival of the Weakest

If "sometimes it pays to be a weakling," what does that mean for 154 years of Darwinian teaching about survival of the fittest? What does it mean, further, when sexual selection doesn't work?

Discovering Mammals, Dead and Alive

Two mammal discoveries made the news this week: a cuddly one and a fossil. Do they tell evolutionary tales?
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