More Examples of Exceptional Preservation in Fossil Reptiles
April 7, 2016
How could structures this delicate survive the ravages of tens or hundreds of millions of years?

More Holes in Evolutionary Theory
April 5, 2016
Here are three examples of animals not branching out neatly on Darwin's tree like they're supposed to.

Original Material Found in Triassic Reptile Fossils
March 18, 2016
The preservation of structures and original proteins in fossils has just been pushed back to the Triassic.

O Beautiful for Amber Waves of Fossils
March 10, 2016
Striking examples of life encased in fossil tree sap open eyes on creation vs evolution.

Real Creatures with Superpowers
March 8, 2016
Check out the capabilities of these amazing little critters.

Biomimetics Inspires Education
March 7, 2016
Students and teachers are catching on to the potential of biological design to inspire good science.

Weird Animals You Never Heard Of
March 3, 2016
Welcome to a menagerie of believe-it-or-not creatures that once inhabited our planet (or still do).

Land Animals Can Raft Across Oceans
February 13, 2016
A research study about floating plastic debris illustrates how animals can cross oceans on floating rafts.

Nerves Find Their Way in the Dark
February 12, 2016
Scientists are beginning to be able to watch nerve cells reaching out and forming connections.

Misuse of Term 'Natural Selection' Continues
February 11, 2016
If humans guide a process, that is not natural selection. Darwin's idea had nothing to do with intention or morality.

Small Creatures Have Super Strength
February 9, 2016
The most amazing physical feats in nature are performed by some of the smallest organisms.

Nature Inspires Hi-Tech Design
February 6, 2016
Scientists and engineers continue the gold rush to imitate nature's solutions to problems.

Insects that Defy Darwin
February 3, 2016
Stasis and convergence are not what Darwin had in mind, but that's what new fossils show.

Animals that Defy Long Ages
February 1, 2016
A lizard and an elephant join forces to question evolutionary dates.