Fossils: Where’s the Evolution?

Animals larger than today's, appearing earlier than thought – how does that help Darwin's narrative?

Questioning Another Dino-Bird

Another Chinese fossil bird with a few dinosaur-like characteristics raises question about the evolutionary narrative.

Calling the Extinction Game

The Mexico Asteroids pull ahead! But the India Deccans are not down for the count.

Long Necks Without Evolution

What do giraffes and sauropods have in common? A new paper shows how you can seek answers without Darwin's help.

Dino Skin with Blood Vessels, Proteins Found

So well preserved is a hadrosaur's skin, the remnants of blood vessels and pigments are still visible with original molecules present.

Kid dinosaur was misidentified as a new species

Oops: Tissue confirms Nanotyrannus was not a new species, but merely a juvenile T. rex.

More Faith in Natural Selection: DinoBirds

It's easy, Darwinists say, to make a bird from a dinosaur. Just shrink it down. All the requirements will emerge.

Marine Reptile Found With Intact Skin

Scientists at Lund University say, "Remarkably preserved fossil sea reptile reveals skin that is still soft."

Dinosaur Evolution: Darwinian Tricks to Force Data into Theory

A new paper about a theropod dinosaur fossil illustrates the methods Darwinians use to force uncooperative data into their belief.

Surprising Fossils Astonish Evolutionists

When fossils have to be millions of years old, evolutionists can't believe their eyes.

Darwinians Excuse Out-of-Order Fossils

Because Darwinism is built on philosophical naturalism, evidence can be moved around as needed.

Shoving Fossils Onto Darwin’s Timeline

Fossils do not tell a Darwinian story unless they are forced into his narrative.

Showdown: Is Dino Soft Tissue Just Bacteria?

By dismissing dinosaur soft tissue as bacteria, Field Museum scientists may have given creationists a selling point.

Godzilla Evolves, and Other Darwin Silliness

When evolution is your proverbial hammer, you can go crazy pounding everything that looks like a nail.

Be-WAIR of Clawed Birds

Evolutionists have not come up with a better theory for bird flight than a silly hypothesis concocted 16 years ago.
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