Cosmic Ruler Flawed

Type 1a supernovae, vital to estimates of the size and expansion of the universe, are not uniform. This has cosmic implications.

Solving Moon Origin Unsolves the Last Solution

The moon's origin has been "demystified," scientists are claiming. That's what they said last time.

Evidence-Based Cosmology

From what we observe, we can draw inferences without the need to posit occult phenomena.

Physical and Geological Hurdles on the Darwinian Race

Can the smooth big-bang-to-brain story of evolution jump the physical and geological hurdles along the way?

Solar System Reversals

The planets keep going around, but theories about them often stop and go backward or sideways. When nothing else works, send in the impactors!

Bill Nye Admits to Propagating Evolution Via Emotional Stories

National Geographic gives Bill Nye the Science Guy an open mike to make unchallenged generalities, with feeling.

First Rosetta Science Results Are Surprising

The first suite of science papers from the Rosetta mission has been published, giving new insights about comets.

Double Trouble for Cosmology

Two developments are converging to threaten the standard big bang model of the universe's origin.

Is Pareidolia a Hypothesis?

Some astrobiologists see possible signs of life in Martian soil photographed by a rover. The rover project scientist begs to differ.

Blow to Supernova Nucleogenesis Theory

There's 100 times less of a radioactive element on the ocean floor than expected.

More Cosmic Fine-Tuning Found

The Anthropic Principle refuses to go away. The mass of the light quark adds to finely tuned factors that make the universe life-supporting.

Astrobiology Has No Bio

When you take the "bio" out of astrobiology, what do you get? Is it still a science?

Comet Ocean Theory Debunked

Data from the Rosetta mission debunk the notion that comets brought Earth's ocean water. Now they're hoping asteroids could have.

Astrobiology Hopes Diminish

Recent findings both near and far create challenges for beliefs that life is common in the universe.

Earthbound Martians Go Nuts

How 90,000 Earthlings sent greetings to imaginary friends on Mars, and other Martian nuttiness.
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